

The DisplaySimulator displays each step of a simulation in real time through a multimedia display such as a Jupyter notebook or ElectronDisplay. Specifically it uses POMDPModelTools.render and the built-in Julia display function to visualize each step.


using POMDPs
using POMDPModels
using POMDPPolicies
using POMDPSimulators
using ElectronDisplay
ElectronDisplay.CONFIG.single_window = true

ds = DisplaySimulator()
m = SimpleGridWorld()
simulate(ds, m, RandomPolicy(m))

Create a simulator that displays each step of a simulation.

Given a POMDP or MDP model m, this simulator roughly works like

for step in stepthrough(m, ...)
    display(render(m, step))

Keyword Arguments

  • display::AbstractDisplay: the display to use for the first argument to the display function. If this is nothing, display(...) will be called without an AbstractDisplay argument.
  • render_kwargs::NamedTuple: keyword arguments for POMDPModelTools.render(...)
  • max_fps::Number=10: maximum number of frames to be displayed per second - sleep will be used to skip extra time, so this is not designed for high precision
  • predisplay::Function: function to call before every call to display(...). The only argument to this function will be the display (if it is specified) or nothing
  • extra_initial::Bool=false: if true, display an extra step at the beginning with only elements t, sp, and bp for POMDPs (this can be useful to see the initial state if render displays only sp and not s).
  • extra_final::Bool=true: iftrue, display an extra step at the end with only elementst,done,s, andbfor POMDPs (this can be useful to see the final state ifrenderdisplays onlysand notsp`).
  • max_steps::Integer: maximum number of steps to run for
  • spec::NTuple{Symbol}: specification of what step elements to display (see eachstep)
  • rng::AbstractRNG: random number generator

See the POMDPSimulators documentation for more tips about using specific displays.


Display-specific tips

The following tips may be helpful when using particular displays.

Jupyter notebooks

By default, in a Jupyter notebook, the visualizations of all steps are displayed in the output box one after another. To make the output animated instead, where the image is overwritten at each step, one may use



By default, ElectronDisplay will open a new window for each new step. To prevent this, use

ElectronDisplay.CONFIG.single_window = true