Package Guide


The package can be installed by either cloning the code and running build or by using the add function from POMDPs.jl

Installation with POMDPs.jl:

using POMDPs
using Pkg


SARSOP.jl makes it easy to interface with the APPL SARSOP solver. Once you have a model defined according to POMDPs.jl, you can generate policies by running the following:

using POMDPs
using SARSOP
using POMDPModels # this contains the TigerPOMDP model

pomdp = TigerPOMDP() # this comes from POMDPModels, you will want this to be your concrete POMDP type

solver = SARSOPSolver()
policy = solve(solver, pomdp)

# the policy will be saved to a file and can be loaded in an other julia session as follows:
policy = load_policy(pomdp, "policy.out")

We can simulate, evaluate and create policy graphs:

using POMDPTools
# Policy can be used to map belief to actions
b = uniform_belief(pomdp) # from POMDPModelTools
a = action(policy, b) 

# simulate the SARSOP policy
simulator = SARSOPSimulator(sim_num = 5, sim_len = 5, 
                            policy_filename = "policy.out",
                            pomdp_filename = "model.pomdpx")

# evaluate the SARSOP policy
evaluator = SARSOPEvaluator(sim_num = 5, sim_len = 5, 
                            policy_filename = "policy.out",
                            pomdp_filename = "model.pomdpx")

# generates a policy graph
graphgen = PolicyGraphGenerator(graph_filename = "",
                                policy_filename = "policy.out",
                                pomdp_filename = "model.pomdpx")