
This is a Julia wrapper for the POMDP-Solve program, orginally developed at Brown University that uses the POMDPs.jl interface. This package uses the POMDPSolve_jll package, which was build using modifications from the code available from Tony Cassandra's pomdp.org page. The modfications are available in the JuliaPOMDP fork of pomdp-solve.

The pomdp-solve program solves partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs), taking a model specification and producing a value function and action policy. It employs many different algorithms, some exact and some approximate.

Parameters and parameter options are documented in the POMDPSolveSolver docstring. If the information cannot be found there, please refer to the JuliaPOMDP fork of pomdp-solve or the original pomdp-solve documentation.


You can use the Julia package manager to install POMDPSolve.jl:

using Pkg


using POMDPSolve
using POMDPModels # for TigerPOMDP
pomdp = TigerPOMDP()
solver = POMDPSolveSolver()
policy = solve(solver, pomdp) # returns an AlphaVectorPolicy
