Stepping through

The stepthrough function exposes a simulation as an iterator so that the steps can be iterated through with a for loop syntax as follows:

pomdp = BabyPOMDP()
policy = RandomPolicy(pomdp)

for (s, a, o, r) in stepthrough(pomdp, policy, "s,a,o,r", max_steps=10)
    println("in state $s")
    println("took action $o")
    println("received observation $o and reward $r")

More examples can be found in the POMDPExamples Package.

stepthrough(problem, policy, [spec])
stepthrough(problem, policy, [spec], [rng=rng], [max_steps=max_steps])
stepthrough(mdp::MDP, policy::Policy, [init_state], [spec]; [kwargs...])
stepthrough(pomdp::POMDP, policy::Policy, [up::Updater, [initial_belief, [initial_state]]], [spec]; [kwargs...])

Create a simulation iterator. This is intended to be used with for loop syntax to output the results of each step as the simulation is being run.


pomdp = BabyPOMDP()
policy = RandomPolicy(pomdp)

for (s, a, o, r) in stepthrough(pomdp, policy, "s,a,o,r", max_steps=10)
    println("in state $s")
    println("took action $o")
    println("received observation $o and reward $r")

The optional spec argument can be a string, tuple of symbols, or single symbol and follows the same pattern as eachstep called on a SimHistory object.

Under the hood, this function creates a StepSimulator with spec and returns a [PO]MDPSimIterator by calling simulate with all of the arguments except spec. All keyword arguments are passed to the StepSimulator constructor.


The StepSimulator contained in this file can provide the same functionality with the following syntax:

sim = StepSimulator("s,a,r,sp")
for (s,a,r,sp) in simulate(sim, problem, policy)
    # do something