
Solver options are controlled through the solver keyword constructor:

# POMCP.POMCPSolverType.

POMCP Solver type


    Rollouts and tree expansion will stop when discount^depth is less than this.
    default: 0.01

    Rollouts and tree expension will stop when this depth is reached.
    default: 10

    UCB exploration constant - specifies how much the solver should explore.
    default: 1.0

    Number of iterations during each action() call.
    default: 100

    Random number generator.
    default: Base.GLOBAL_RNG

    Calculates the belief for a new belief node (see notebooks/Belief_and_Particle_Filter_Options.ipynb for more info.)
    default: DefaultReinvigoratorStub() - this will simply keep the particles as described in the paper without doing any reinvigoration.

estimate_value::Any (rollout policy can be specified by setting this to RolloutEstimator(policy))
    Function, object, or number used to estimate the value at the leaf nodes.
    If this is a function `f`, `f(pomdp, s, h::BeliefNode, steps)` will be called to estimate the value.
    If this is an object `o`, `estimate_value(o, pomdp, s, h::BeliefNode, steps)` will be called.
    If this is a number, the value will be set to that number
    default: RolloutEstimator(RandomSolver(rng))

    Function, object, or number used to set the initial V(h,a) value at a new node.
    If this is a function `f`, `f(pomdp, h, a)` will be called to set the value.
    If this is an object `o`, `init_V(o, pomdp, h, a)` will be called.
    If this is a number, V will be set to that number
    default: 0.0

    Function, object, or number used to set the initial N(s,a) value at a new node.
    If this is a function `f`, `f(pomdp, h, a)` will be called to set the value.
    If this is an object `o`, `init_N(o, pomdp, h, a)` will be called.
    If this is a number, N will be set to that number
    default: 0

    Number of actions to be considered at each node.
    If <= 0, the entire action space will be considered.
    default: 0

    Function, action, or Policy used to determine the action if POMCP fails with exception `ex`.
    If this is a Function `f`, `f(belief, ex)` will be called.
    If this is a Policy `p`, `action(p, belief)` will be called.
    If it is an object `a`, `default_action(a, belief, ex) will be called, and
    if this method is not implemented, `a` will be returned directly.



POMCP Solver type


    Rollouts and tree expansion will stop when discount^depth is less than this.
    default: 0.01

    Rollouts and tree expension will stop when this depth is reached.
    default: 10

    UCB exploration constant - specifies how much the solver should explore.
    default: 1.0

    Number of iterations during each action() call.
    default: 100

    Random number generator.
    default: Base.GLOBAL_RNG

    Calculates the belief for a new belief node (see notebooks/Belief_and_Particle_Filter_Options.ipynb for more info.)
    default: DefaultReinvigoratorStub() - this will simply keep the particles as described in the paper without doing any reinvigoration.

estimate_value::Any (rollout policy can be specified by setting this to RolloutEstimator(policy))
    Function, object, or number used to estimate the value at the leaf nodes.
    If this is a function `f`, `f(pomdp, s, h::BeliefNode, steps)` will be called to estimate the value.
    If this is an object `o`, `estimate_value(o, pomdp, s, h::BeliefNode, steps)` will be called.
    If this is a number, the value will be set to that number
    default: RolloutEstimator(RandomSolver(rng))

    Turn progressive widening of the number of actions considered on or off.
    If false, all actions will be considered.
    default: true

    These constants control the double progressive widening. A new observation
    or action will be added if the number of children is less than or equal to kN^alpha.
    defaults: k:10, alpha:0.5

    Function, object, or number used to set the initial V(h,a) value at a new node.
    If this is a function `f`, `f(pomdp, h, a)` will be called to set the value.
    If this is an object `o`, `init_V(o, pomdp, h, a)` will be called.
    If this is a number, V will be set to that number
    default: 0.0

    Function, object, or number used to set the initial N(s,a) value at a new node.
    If this is a function `f`, `f(pomdp, h, a)` will be called to set the value.
    If this is an object `o`, `init_N(o, pomdp, h, a)` will be called.
    If this is a number, N will be set to that number
    default: 0

    Function or object used to choose the next action to be considered for progressive widening.
    The next action is determined based on the POMDP, the belief, `b`, and the current `BeliefNode`, `h`.
    If this is a function `f`, `f(pomdp, b, h)` will be called to set the value.
    If this is an object `o`, `next_action(o, pomdp, b, h)` will be called.
    default: RandomActionGenerator(rng)

    Function, action, or Policy used to determine the action if POMCP fails with exception `ex`.
    If this is a Function `f`, `f(belief, ex)` will be called.
    If this is a Policy `p`, `action(p, belief)` will be called.
    If it is an object `a`, `default_action(a, belief, ex) will be called, and
    if this method is not implemented, `a` will be returned directly.

For more information on the k and alpha parameters, see Couëtoux, A., Hoock, J.-B., Sokolovska, N., Teytaud, O., & Bonnard, N. (2011). Continuous Upper Confidence Trees. In Learning and Intelligent Optimization. Rome, Italy. Retrieved from
