Double Progressive Widening

The double progressive widening DPW solver is useful for problems with large (e.g. continuous) state and action spaces. It gradually expands the tree's branching factor so that the algorithm explores deeply even with large spaces.

See the papers at and for a description.

The solver fields are used to specify solver parameters. All of them can be specified as keyword arguments to the solver constructor.


MCTS solver with DPW


  • depth::Int64=10: Maximum tree search depth. Rollout depth is controlled via the estimate_value field.
  • exploration_constant::Float64=1.0: Specified how much the solver should explore. In the UCB equation, Q + c*sqrt(log(t/N)), c is the exploration constant.
  • n_iterations::Int64=100: Number of iterations during each action() call.
  • max_time::Float64: Maximum amount of CPU time in seconds spent iterating through simulations.
  • Double progressive widening parameters. These constants control the double progressive widening. A new state or action will be added if the number of children is less than or equal to kN^alpha.
    • k_action::Float64=10
    • alpha_action::Float64=0.5
    • k_state::Float64=10
    • alpha_state::Float64=0.5
  • keep_tree::Bool=false: If true, store the tree in the planner for reuse at the next timestep (and every time it is used in the future). There is a computational cost for maintaining the state dictionary necessary for this.
  • enable_action_pw::Bool=true: If true, enable progressive widening on the action space; if false just use the whole action space.
  • enable_state_pw::Bool=true: If true, enable progressive widening on the state space; if false just use the single next state (for deterministic problems).
  • check_repeat_state::Bool=true, check_repeat_action::Bool=true: When constructing the tree, check whether a state or action has been seen before (there is a computational cost to maintaining the dictionaries necessary for this)
  • tree_in_info::Bool=false: If true, return the tree in the info dict when action_info is called. False by default because it can use a lot of memory if histories are being saved.
  • rng::AbstractRNG=Random.GLOBAL_RNG: Random number generator
  • estimate_value::Any=RolloutEstimator(RandomSolver(rng)): (rollout policy) Function, object, or number used to estimate the value at the leaf nodes.
    • If this is a function f, f(mdp, s, depth) will be called to estimate the value (depth can be ignored).
    • If this is an object o, estimate_value(o, mdp, s, depth) will be called.
    • If this is a number, the value will be set to that number.
  • init_Q::Any=0.0: Function, object, or number used to set the initial Q(s,a) value at a new node.
    • If this is a function f, f(mdp, s, a) will be called to set the value.
    • If this is an object o, init_Q(o, mdp, s, a) will be called.
    • If this is a number, Q will always be set to that number.
  • init_N::Any=0: Function, object, or number used to set the initial N(s,a) value at a new node.
    • If this is a function f, f(mdp, s, a) will be called to set the value.
    • If this is an object o, init_N(o, mdp, s, a) will be called.
    • If this is a number, N will always be set to that number.
  • next_action::Any=RandomActionGenerator(rng): Function or object used to choose the next action to be considered for progressive widening. The next action is determined based on the MDP, the state, s, and the current DPWStateNode, snode.
    • If this is a function f, f(mdp, s, snode) will be called to set the value.
    • If this is an object o, next_action(o, mdp, s, snode) will be called.
  • default_action::Any=ExceptionRethrow(): Function, action, or Policy used to determine the action if POMCP fails with exception ex.
    • If this is a Function f, f(pomdp, belief, ex) will be called.
    • If this is a Policy p, action(p, belief) will be called.
    • If it is an object a, default_action(a, pomdp, belief, ex) will be called, and if this method is not implemented, a will be returned directly.
  • reset_callback::Function=(mdp, s)->false: Function used to reset/reinitialize the MDP to a given state s. Useful when the simulator state is not truly separate from the MDP state. f(mdp, s) will be called. By default, this will be optimized out by the compiler.
  • show_progress::Bool=false Show progress bar during simulation.
  • timer::Function=()->1e-9*time_ns(): Timekeeping method. Search iterations ended when timer() - start_time ≥ max_time.